Monday, 4 January 2016

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review

Status: Released on 25th December in India

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Movie Poster Rating: 4/5* Star

Star Cast:
John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Harrison Ford, Oscar Isaac, Carrie Fisher, Domhnall Gleeson, Gwendoline Christie, Max von Sydow, Mark Hamill, Andy Serkis

Director: J.J. Abrams

Good Things:
  • The Force Awakens manages to bring some of the freshness and excitement that audiences might have had when the first Star Wars movie was released in 1977.
  • It has a sense of timelessness and simplicity.
  • Most movies set in outer space feel cold and austere, with a great deal of time spent in explaining the equipment, the dangers of space travel and the pseudo-science. Star Wars instead treats outer space like the Wild West.
  • Where a film like Avatar or The Martian were content with showing one planet, Star Wars shows us six planets with glimpses of others in one montage.
  • The Force Awakens is the first Star Wars movie to be made without any involvement by George Lucas.

Bad Things:
  • I bet the interval would be a bad thing for the rest of the audiences who would not want to take a break from the gripping story.
Which time is the best (before interval or after interval):
  • Not Unless You’re Being Forced To Take One!

Watch or Not? :
  • Any true Star Wars fan is surely not going to wait for anyone’s command to watch the film.
  • It is must-watch for all those who believe in and have lived in this intergalactic system as their own.
  • The Force Awakens’ is a bona-fide film, referencing the original pop-culture behemoth, and renewing it, with some energy and vim.
  • The Force is indeed, epic with this one. Don’t miss it.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review: The Final Word
  • It’s a big galaxy and hopefully future instalments in this new trilogy will take the story to newer directions while maintaining the Star Wars charm.
  • I am going with a 4/5* for the film. (Source: koimoi)